We believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allows children’s natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Children take a reception baseline assessment within the first 6 weeks of your child starting in the Reception year. The purpose of the assessment is to provide a new measure that will help parents to understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between Reception and Year 6.
The national phonics screening check was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils. It is a short, statutory assessment to ensure that children are making sufficient progress in their phonics skills to read words and are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning. The Department for Education defines the checks as “short, light-touch assessments” that take four to nine minutes to complete.
More information can be found in our Useful Links & Documents section below.
All Year 4 children will have their multiplication skills formally tested in the summer term of Year 4. Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet), where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock – the test usually takes around 5 minutes. Pupils’ individual results will be made available to schools, and the Department for Education will report national results to track how they change over time.
At the end of Year 6, children will take National Tests in maths, reading and grammar, spelling and punctuation. We create a positive and relaxed atmosphere during the national tests so our children are not overwhelmed.
The tests will be externally set and externally marked. Children will be given a scaled score, which parents will be able to compare with the average for the school, the local area and nationally. Children’s writing will also be assessed through ongoing teacher assessment throughout the whole of Year 6.
You can find more information in the parent link below.
Home Learning: Log into your Pupil Account Here
Homework is an essential part of learning and helps pupils to further consolidate the learning they have done in school. It also develops their knowledge and skills in addition to allowing their organisation and good study habits to flourish as they move up to secondary school and begin studying for exams.
Remote Learning
In the event that your child is unable to be in school, we provide home learning information on our Microsoft SharePoint. All pupils are given access to this area to help them keep engaged and involved in their learning.