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Melbourne Primary School

Maths Curriculum

The Maths Lead is Verity Taylor

Mastering skills and knowledge, to solve real life problems


At Melbourne Primary School we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to develop a deep understanding and confidence in maths. We aim to provide strong, secure learning and real progress for all children. Through our maths teaching we work to create assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths.

We believe that all children should have exposure to high quality varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions in all lessons, and that they develop the skills needed to approach such questions in creative ways. We want children to choose the most efficient strategies as well as think systematically. We also encourage them to ask questions, make relationships between number and recognise patterns. We hope children will become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum. 

We want children to leave Melbourne Primary School with a love of maths and a positive mathematical mindset that will stay with them for life.


At Melbourne Primary school, children complete maths lessons, which follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.  This scheme aims to develop mastery in maths, whilst ensuring complete coverage of the Primary National Curriculum for mathematics.

The scheme provides a detailed, structured curriculum that is mapped out in small carefully sequenced steps, ensuring continuity and progression.  It ensures that fundamental methods, facts and strategies are secure so that they can use familiar strategies to problem-solve and reason.

Lessons are carefully crafted to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge. Whole class discussions, partner talk, linking of facts and precise questioning during lessons ensures that pupils develop fluent technical proficiency and think deeply about the underpinning mathematical concepts. A variety of concrete and pictorial representations are used to introduce and explore a concept effectively before moving onto abstract representations. The precise use of and teaching of vocabulary is also present in lessons.

Practise and consolidation play a central role of maths lessons. Carefully constructed exercises and problems enable all pupils to develop conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. Teachers use specific questioning to test conceptual and procedural knowledge and assess pupils regularly to identify those requiring interventions. This allows pupils’ difficulties and misconceptions to be identified and addressed through immediate formative assessment and rapid intervention - commonly through individual or small group support.

We endeavour to teach lessons that are stimulating and interesting in addition to keeping a keen eye on the fact that many mental skills need hard work and regular practise. Across school children will practise their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills, by taking part in 4 operation quizzes and flash back 4 activities prior to the lesson input. To help children with their multiplication recall facts they complete a times tables quiz three times a week. Twice a week they are taught the timetable facts that they are learning.

To support learning we use a variety of IT resources, and over in the "Learning Resources" section there are links to websites that can be used at home with your children, with fun interactive challenges and games. 

Please also have a look at our 'White Rose Maths for Parents' section to the left to for information about our learning schemes.

Melbourne Maths


Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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