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Melbourne Primary School

Early Years Curriculum

Intent-                                                                                 “Firm foundations.”

We believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allows children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.

It is our intent to provide children with a nurturing, supportive and safe environment where ALL children receive a creative, inspiring, challenging and purposeful curriculum, that provides them with the skills to be successful, confident and a life-long learner; by developing their physical, verbal, cognitive and emotional needs whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning.


The Early Year Foundation Stage is a creative curriculum which allows young children to learn new skills and experiences through hands on, explorative play.

Within  the Early Years Curriculum there are 7 areas of learning. These areas are then subdivided into 17 aspects of learning.

During every child’s first year in school, they will access a wide range of exciting activities, all of which are linked to each of the statements.

Although we do set half termly topics, planning remains based on children's interest and through discussions children decide the direction of our learning. As professionals, we understand that children are more highly motivated when they are engaged in a topic which is of particular interest to them. Throughout the year, the Early Years staff will collate written, photographic and video evidence of each child based on the above statements. This evidence is then complied and used to paint a picture of each individual child’s achievement across all the areas of the curriculum. Eventually it will form their end of year report. We also plan adult initiated cultural topics to raise awareness of different cultures and traditions. See Long Term Plan below. 

Numeracy is practical and sessions provide hands on, physical learning. Each mathematical skill is taught and then revisited throughout the year to ensure the learning is embedded.

This year the government has introduced a reception baseline assessment which we will complete within the first 6 weeks of your child starting in the Reception year. The purpose of the assessment is to provide a new measure that will help parents to understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between Reception and Year 6. Please click on the following link to find out more information

Please click on the links below to find information about the changes to our new EYFS Curriculum (2021)  and the overview for the year.

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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