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Melbourne Primary School


Melbourne Community Primary School prides itself on the smart appearance of our pupils at all times.

All pupils are requested to adhere to the dress code.


Grey trousers Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
White/yellow or green polo shirt White, yellow, or green polo shirt
Green sweatshirt with school logo Green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Grey or black socks Grey, black or white socks or tights
Dark shoes Dark shoes

Summer Options

Summer Options
Grey shorts Pale yellow or green checked dress

We work in partnership with two providers who offer both telephone and online shopping service for uniform displaying the school logo together with book bags, PE bags and PE kits etc.

Summer wear should only be worn after the Easter Holidays until the October half term break.




Please ensure that your child always has suitable footwear that they can change into at breaktimes and lunchtimes.

For P.E. pupils keep a named green draw string bag on their peg containing a T-shirt and shorts, with a pair of plimsolls for indoors and trainers for outdoors. We also advise a tracksuit for outdoor games. Football boots, if worn, should be of the moulded stud type, please. These items normally remain at school except at half term when they are taken home for washing.


Children are asked to bring in an old shirt or apron to keep at school for use during practical activities.


All items, including footwear should be clearly named as this helps us to return items to their owners.  We do not have space available to store large volumes of lost property.


As part of the LA’s Health and Safety Policy, no jewellery other than watches and earrings in the form of plain sleepers or studs may be worn. These must be removed for P.E.



Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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