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Melbourne Primary School

Attendance & Absence


Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children receive full time education. Regular attendance is essential if children are to progress with their learning.

We would expect parents/carers to inform the school by 9.00am by phone, email, or in person, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school. If we have no reason for the absence by 9.30am the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. We would also expect to be notified if your child has a medical appointment.


The school gates open at 8.20am and children collected by their class teacher at 8.30am where the children are taken to be registered. If children arrive between 8.45am and 9.00am this is recorded as a late. If they arrive after 9.00am they are marked as 'absent after the register closed' which is the equivalent of a half day absence. This is inline with local authority guidelines. 

Term Time Absences Request
With effect from 01 September 2013 there were changes to penalty notices for unauthorised school absence based on legislation, amending The Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007.

Schools will no longer be able to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers will therefore not be in a position to authorise any pupil absence from school due to a term time holiday.

If your child requires absence from school for any reason and you feel, having read the “Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Information for Parents” document, this is an exceptional circumstance, please complete the “Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form” and return to the Headteacher. It is to your advantage to have this discussion prior to any plans being made.”

Please find attached the updated version of the Parent Information Leaflet relating to medical absence.

Holidays during term-time and authorised absence from school - Link to East Riding Council page

Authorised Absence Request Form

Absence from school in Exceptional Circumstances FAQ

Unauthorised Absence - Penalty Guidance

See our Attendance Policy on our policy page here.

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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