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Melbourne Primary School


The Governing Body

Category of governor Appointing body Governor's name Term of office Committee Membership Additional responsibilities
Headteacher In post by virtue of their office Claire Fielding 01/09/2018    
Staff Staff body Jo Brosenitz 12/10/2018-11/10/2022    
Parent Parent body Joanna Whelan 01/01/2018-31/08/2022

Staff Performance and Pay Committee

Pupil Premium
Parent Parent body Stuart Winchester 01/01/2018-31/08/2022

Staff Performance and Pay - Pay Appeal Working Party

Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Jane Henley 01/01/2018-31/08/2022

Headteacher Performance Management Review Group

Staff Performance and Pay Committee

Chair of LGB


Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Eddy Dawson 01/01/2018-31/08/2022 Headteacher Performance Management Review Group  
Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Martin Braidley 01/01/2018-31/08/2022

Headteacher Performance Management Review Group

Staff Performance and Pay Committee

Joint Vice-Chair



Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board

Nicky Elvidge (Parent)


Staff Performance and Pay - Pay Appeal Working Party

School Council
Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Paul Markham (Parent) 01/01/2018-31/08/2022   Health & Safety
Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Claire Holden (Parent) 22/10/2018-21/10/2022

Staff Performance and Pay - Pay Appeal Working Party

Website Compliance
Trust-Appointed LGB &Trust Board Joseph Holland 13/05/2019-12/05/2023    


The Register of Business Interests is available to view  here.

The LGB attendance record for 2018-19 is available to view here.

Governors meet twice every term for a full Local Governing Body meeting.  Governors also sit on one or two committees which also meet regularly (eg Pay/Performance Review).

The most important quality we seek in a governor is the desire to make a difference to children’s lives through education. In addition to this, attributes that a make a good school governor include:

  • A desire to help the local community
  • An external perspective
  • A willingness to change assumptions
  • The time to get involved
  • The ability to work as part of a team

What do governors do?

Among other responsibilities they:

  • Set appropriate targets for pupil achievement
  • Develop and review the School Improvement Plan
  • Manage the school’s budget
  • Review curriculum
  • Act as a “critical friend” to Headteacher and other professionals
  • Appoint Headteacher
  • Establish and review performance management
  • Manage legal duties e.g. to pupils with Special Educational Needs
  • Self evaluate school’s strengths and weaknesses, prepare for Ofsted inspections and draw up action plan post Ofsted visit
  • Hear exclusion and disciplinary appeals
  • Governors do not get involved in the day to day operational aspects of school – this is the job of the Headteacher and her staff. Their role is more strategic and long term

Why does it matter?

According to Ofsted, “…where governance is good, standards of attainment are more likely to be higher than in other schools. The quality of teaching, the behaviour of the pupils, and leadership and management are also more likely to be good. Where governance is weak, schools are more likely to be less successful overall.”

'Governors have a wide range of skills and expertise to support the school’s work and do so effectively. They, too, are ambitious for the school and are confident in asking searching questions about the school’s performance, any proposed actions to make improvements and the impact of these actions to accelerate pupils’ progress. They are astute in recruiting high-calibre staff because they want the best for the school, and hold leaders to account effectively for the progress pupils make.'  OFSTED October 2017

How might I become involved?

If you’d like to have an informal discussion about the possibility of becoming a Governor, do contact Jane Henley Chair of the Local Governing Body, via the school.


 Governing Body Meeting Dates 2019 - 2020



Autumn 1

2nd Oct 2019

Autumn 2

12th Nov 2019

Spring 1

8th Jan 2020

Spring 2

 1st Apr 2020

Summer 1

16th Jun 2020

Summer 2

15th Jul 2020

Melbourne Primary School
Melbourne, York, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO42 4QE
01759 318369
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